(a)   After the effective date of this provision, there shall be a written application for any new water/sewer service, made in accordance with these rules and regulations. When accepted by the Department of Utilities, the application shall constitute a contract for service. Service will be continuous so long as these rules and regulations are complied with, until the customer requests termination of service.
   (b)   Application for all types of water/sewer service must be made to the Cardington Water Department office on the forms provided.
   (c)   The owner of the property where there is a service location shall apply for service before or simultaneous with the first customer application for service. The owner shall be ultimately responsible for all services, repairs and damages which in accordance with these rules and regulations are the responsibility of the owner. If the Owner is not also the Customer for a particular service location, the Owner shall declare whether the owner or customer has primary responsibility for paying charges for water and/or sewer service at that service location. As a condition of service, the Owner must agree to joint and several responsibility with the Customer for all fees and charges for water and/or sewer services at the service location.
   (d)   A customer, who is not the owner of the property, must separately apply for water/sewer service. The person who has primary responsibility for all charges arising from bills for water/sewer service supplied or meter repairs, either individually or through an authorized agent, shall make application for the customer. The customer shall be liable for charges for water/sewer service supplied and/or meter charges until service is terminated by customer request or as otherwise permitted by law or regulation. (Ord. 2006-07. Passed 6-19-07.)