(a)   The Chief of Police, the Fire Chief, and the Administrator shall have a blanket authority to purchase materials and/or supplies needed by said Department for the everyday general operation of their Department having a purchase price of less than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
   (b)   Any item to be purchased in excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00) but less than one thousand dollars ($1,000), in cost shall be purchased by a separate purchase order with the approval of the Mayor and the Fiscal Officer.
   (c)   Any item to be purchased in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000) in cost shall be purchased only by a separate purchase order with approval of the appropriate committee of Council and after it has been presented to and approved by a majority vote of Council.
   (d)   In case of an emergency declared for a valid purpose by the Mayor, and/or in case of a national emergency, expenditures may be made by purchase orders as are necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Village without prior approval of the appropriate committee of Council or of Council as a whole with all said purchase orders being approved by the Mayor with a notation indicating said purchase request as being an emergency.
   (e)   In all cases, a purchase order shall be filled out prior to the purchase and shall include a purchase order number. The Fiscal Officer shall certify funds available in the appropriate line item of the budget for the purchases to be made prior to said purchases in fact being authorized, including the contingency fund in an emergency.
(Ord. 2001-24. Passed 5-7-01.)