1.01.003 Contents of Code.
   The City of Canyon Lake Municipal Code shall consist of all ordinances adopted by the City Council which are of a general and permanent nature. An ordinance relating to any of the following subject matters is not considered an ordinance of general and permanent nature and need not be included within the Municipal Code:
   (a)   The naming of streets or roads;
   (b)   Levying real property tax;
   (c)   Calling an election;
   (d)   Annexation proceedings;
   (e)   Interim zoning measure;
   (f)   Zoning or rezoning a particular parcel of property;
   (g)   Such other ordinances of a special or particular subject matter which the council considers are not appropriate to a general compilation of laws of a general and permanent nature.
(3-12/90 § 1.01.003)