11.03.070 Non-exclusive remedies and penalties.
   All remedies and penalties for violations of the prohibition in this Chapter shall be cumulative and not exclusive. Enforcement by use of any administrative, criminal, or civil action, citation or administrative proceeding or abatement remedy does not preclude the use of additional citations or other remedies as authorized by other ordinance or law. Enforcement remedies may be employed concurrently or consecutively. Conviction and punishment of or enforcement against any person hereunder shall not relieve such person from the responsibility of correcting, removing, or abating a violation, nor prevent the enforced correction, removal, or abatement thereof. Each and every day, or any portion thereof, during which any violation of this Chapter is committed, continued, or permitted by such person, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense.
(Ord. 214, passed 10-6-2021)