10.40.030 Determination of “Potentially Severe Injury; or Dangerous Animal.”
   An animal administratively may be determined to be a potentially dangerous animal in the following way:
   (a)   Upon observation or independent investigation of a potentially dangerous animal or behavior or upon receipt of a complaint(s) signed by a person(s) who actually observed the animal’s potentially dangerous behavior, the Animal Control Officer may investigate or consider any mitigations and whether such behavior by the animal constitutes potentially dangerous behavior;
   (b)   If the Animal Control Officer determines that such behavior is potentially dangerous, he or she shall notify the owner of the consequences of identification as “potentially dangerous” and schedule an administrative hearing on that determination. The notice shall be served and the hearing shall be conducted as set out in Sections 10.36.020 and 10.36.040. At least one of the complainants in the matter must appear and testify at the hearing or the complaint shall be dismissed. The Hearing Officer specifically shall consider any circumstances of mitigation as well as any record of any prior violations by the owner;
   (c)   The Hearing Officer shall issue a written determination within ten days after the hearing has been completed; and
   (d)   The decision of the Hearing Officer shall be final.
(32-12/92 § 10.12.030) (Ord. 166, passed 4-6-2016; Am. Ord. 181, passed 5-1-2019)