10.24.020 Animal bitten by a rabid animal.
   Whenever any animal has been bitten by an animal which has rabies, which exhibits any symptoms of rabies or which is otherwise suspected of having or having been exposed to rabies, the owner or person having custody of such bitten animal shall immediately notify the Animal Control Officer, and shall immediately confine the bitten animal and maintain that confinement until it is established to the satisfaction of the Animal Control Officer that such animal does not have rabies. The Animal Control Officer shall have the power to quarantine any such animal, or impound it at the owner’s expense if the owner or person having custody of such animal shall fail, refuse, or is unable, in the opinion of the Animal Control Officer, to adequately confine such animal immediately, or in the event the owner or person having custody of such animal is not readily accessible.
(32-12/92 S 10.24.020)