9.27.030 Development standards.
   Emergency shelters shall comply with all development standards of the C-1 General Commercial Zone and the following standards:
   (a)   Maximum number of beds. An emergency shelter or a combination of emergency shelters with five or fewer beds shall be a permitted use in the C-1 Commercial Zone. An emergency shelters with six or more beds or the expansion of an existing shelter to more than five beds are permitted with the approval of a conditional use permit.
   (b)   Minimum separation distance. An emergency shelter shall be located at least 300 feet away from another emergency shelter, as measured in a straight line between property lines of each use without regard to intervening structures or objects.
   (c)   On-site waiting area. Each emergency shelter shall provide an interior and exterior waiting area adequate to accommodate waiting clients and to prevent queuing into the public right-of-way. An exterior waiting area shall be physically separated and visually screened from the public right-of-way.
   (d)   Parking. The emergency shelter shall provide on-site parking at a rate of one space for every five beds plus one space per each staff member.
   (e)   Limited terms of stay. The maximum length of stay for any homeless individual shall not exceed six months in any consecutive 12-month period.
   (f)   Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be provided on pedestrian pathways and parking lot areas on the property. Lighting shall be stationary and reflect away from residential areas and public streets.
   (g)   Supervision. An emergency shelter shall provide on-site supervision at all times it is open. The operator shall regularly patrol the area surrounding the shelter site during hours that the shelter is in operation to ensure that homeless persons who have been denied access are not congregating in the neighborhood.
   (h)   Management. The emergency shelter facility shall provide an on-site resident manager at all times. A management plan is required for an emergency shelter to address management experience, client supervision, client services, and standards to govern expulsions, good neighbor issues, transportation, lights-out, and food services. Such plan shall be submitted to and approved by the City of Canyon Lake Planning Department.
   (i)   Maintenance of exterior. The operator of an emergency shelter shall maintain the exterior of the facility, including signs and accessory structures, free of litter and graffiti at all times; provide removal of trash from the premises and abutting walkways within 20 feet of the premises; and remove graffiti within 48 hours of discovery.
   (j)   Toilets/washbasins. Shelters must provide sufficient toilets and washbasins with warm and cold running water. The resident to toilet ratio must be one toilet/five residents.
   (k)   Showers. Shelters must provide a reasonable supply of showers. The resident to shower ratio must be one shower/five residents.
   (l)   Additional standards. Each emergency shelter shall comply with applicable Building Code requirements, Fire Code requirements, and State Department of Social Services licensing requirements.
(Ord. 183, passed 8-7-2019)