11.25.050 Special Event Conditions.
   A permit condition may be appealed in the same manner as a permit denial. All special events shall be conducted in accordance with the following conditions, as applicable:
   (a)   Alteration of the date, time, route, or location of the event proposed on the event application.
   (b)   Conditions concerning the area of assembly and disbanding of parade or other event occurring along a route.
   (c)   Condition concerning accommodation of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, including restricting the event to only a portion of a street.
   (d)   Requirements for the use of traffic cones barricades.
   (e)   Requirements for provision of first aid, sanitary or emergency facilities, and water for participants and/or spectators.
   (f)   Requirements for use of event monitors and some method for providing notice of permit conditions to event participants.
   (g)   Restrictions on the number of type of vehicles, animals, or structures at the event, and inspection and approval of floats, structures, and decorated vehicles for fire safety by the Canyon Lake Fire Department.
   (h)   Compliance with animal protection ordinances and laws.
   (i)   Requirements for use of garbage containers, cleanup and restoration of the City property.
   (j)   Restrictions on use of amplified sound.
   (k)   An application for a special event permit to conduct a block party or “party house” may be conditioned on notice and approval by 50% of the owners or tenants of dwellings or businesses along the affected street(s).
   (l)   Compliance with any relevant ordinance or law in obtaining any legally required permit or license.
   (m)   Any additional requirements for rides, games, concessions.
   (n)   That an appropriate cash deposit be posted with the City to compensate it for any special services that may be required, including but not limited to, police, fire, traffic control and clean-up; provided that with respect to constitutionally protected noncommercial parades and demonstrations, no police fees shall be charged other than for traffic control. All charges shall be based on the hourly rate of all employees expected to be required to perform services during the event and shall contain an administrative charge to cover the support services incurred as a result of the event. The permittee shall post the deposit at least seven days before the event. The permittee shall be given an accounting of all charges within a reasonable time after the event, and a refund if due. The deposit shall be determined by the City Manager based on size and type of event.
   (o)   Proof of special event insurance and indemnification as set out herein.
(Ord. 66, passed 8-6-1997)