11.25.040 Special Event Permit Application.
   All applications for a special event permit shall be on a form provided by the City and shall request the information necessary for staff to make their recommendations to the City. The form shall provide at least the following information:
   (a)   The name, address, and telephone number of the applicant and an alternative person who may be contacted if the applicant is unavailable.
   (b)   If the event is proposed to be conducted or sponsored by an organization, the name, address and telephone number of the organization and the person authorized to obtain the permit. Written authorization to apply for the special event permit by an officer of the organization may also be required.
   (c)   The name, address and telephone number of the person who will be present and in charge of the event on the day of the event.
   (d)   Date and estimated starting and ending time of the event.
   (e)   Location and/or route of the event, including its boundaries and assembly points and route traveled.
   (f)   Estimated number of participants in the event.
   (g)   The type and estimated number of vehicles, animals or structures which will be used at the event and information as to whether there will be sponsor-provided water, aid or emergency aid stations at the event.
   (h)   Description of any sound amplification equipment which will be used at the event and noise mitigation measures.
   (i)   Whether any food or beverages, including alcoholic beverages will be sold and/or furnished at the event and what type of clean up, disposal and/or trash receptacles will be used at the event.
   (j)   Whether monitors will be employed at the event.
   (k)   Anticipated parking needed for the event participants and how it will be met.
   (l)   As applicable, the assembly and disassembly points for the event and the time at which units of the parade or other event will begin to assemble.
   (m)   Estimate number of spectators.
   (n)   Whether the parade or other event will occupy all or only a portion of the streets proposed to be traversed.
   (o)   The intervals of space to be maintained between units of the parade or other event.
   (p)   The number, types, and sizes of floats, if any.
   (q)   A written site plan, plan also showing security, fire protection, sanitation and traffic control.
   (r)   Any supplemental information reasonably necessary for that event.
   (s)   For a block party, agreement of 50% of owners/ tenants on the block.
(Ord. 66, passed 8-6-1997)