11.24.020 Posting Required.
   Any retail package off-sale establishment required to be licensed under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act (Business & Professions Code Sections 2300 et seq.) shall post a prominent permanent sign as required by Business & Professions Code Section 25612.5) in an area visible to all patrons. Any adjacent parking area shall be posted as well.
   (a)   The sign shall provide “possession of any open container of alcoholic beverages on these premises, parking lot or adjoining sidewalk is prohibited. Violators will be subject to arrest.” (Canyon Lake Municipal Code Section 11.24.040)
   (b)   The sign shall be at least 18 inches by 24 inches with letters at least one-inch high. It shall be sufficiently lighted to be easily read during darkness.
   (c)   Signs shall be constituted of a minimum 24 gauge steel and lettering shall be red in color on a white background. Pole mounted signs shall be mounted a minimum of eight foot from base of pole.
   (d)   A sign which meets the requirements of this Chapter is exempted from the requirements of the City Sign Code.
   (e)   The sign shall be posted within 90 days of the effective date of this Chapter.
(Ord. 61, passed 10-2-1996)