11.20.070 Conducting Hearing by City Council.
   (a)   At the time stated in the notice of hearing, the City Council shall hear and consider all relevant evidence, including, but not limited to, testimony from owners, City personnel, witnesses and other interested parties, and may consider staff reports and other written evidence relative to the matter. The City Council shall conduct the hearing even in the absence of the property owner.
   (b)   At the public hearing, the City Council at its discretion may extend the time period allotted for abatement based on good cause thereof.
   (c)   Upon the conclusion of the hearing, the City Council shall, based upon the evidence presented, confirm whether the property or any part thereof constitutes a public nuisance within the meaning of this Chapter and any other applicable codes, statutes or regulations. Said confirmation shall be by resolution, which shall contain the basis for the Council’s decision and a description of the method of abatement necessary to comply with the order and the time frame therefor. The resolution shall further state that the City Planner is authorized to abate the nuisance at the end of the specified time, and to charge the property therefore subject to the provisions of this Chapter. The decision of the City Council is final and subject only to court review.