11.20.020 Declaration of Public Nuisance.
   (a)   All property maintained in violation of Section 11.20.010 is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and may be abated by rehabilitation, clean-up, removal or repair pursuant to the procedures set forth in this Chapter. No owner knowingly shall allow any condition set forth in Section 11.20.010 to exist or be maintained.
   (b)   The procedures for abatement set forth in this Chapter shall not be exclusive and shall not in any manner limit or restrict the City from enforcing other City ordinances or abating public nuisances in any other manner provided by law. Demolition or repair of buildings also may be conducted under the provisions of Health and Safety Code 17890, et seq., as those may be amended from time to time. Vehicle abatement shall be conducted under the applicable City Ordinances.
   (c)   As used in this Chapter, unless otherwise indicated, the term “owner” shall mean any person owning, leasing, occupying or having charge or possession of the affected real property.