11.10.120 Recovery of Costs by Assessment or Liens on Minor or His/Her Parents Property.
   (a)   Lien for Costs. The cost of abatement of graffiti, including but not limited to court costs, attorneys fees, costs of graffiti removal, repair or replacement, and law enforcement costs of identifying and apprehending, may be made a lien or special assessment on the minor and/or the property of his/her parents, having custody or control of the minor, as set out in this Section. Such costs shall be determined as set out in Section 11.10.110(B).
   (b)   Notice of Lien. At such time as the City has identified a minor who has defaced property with graffiti, the City may notify the minor and his/her parent(s) of the City’s intention to place a lien or special assessment on their property (as identified in the notice) for the costs identified in (A) if the amount of the lien or assessment is not paid by the date specified in the notice or the minor/parent fails to protest the proposed lien/assessment.
   The notice shall state the amount of costs, the amount of proposed lien date of a City Council public hearing, at least ten days away, at which the lien/assessment will be considered and the minor/parent's right to protest the proposed lien/assessment at that time.
   (c)   Service of Notice. The notice shall be served in the same manner as a civil summons. If the minor/parent cannot be found after a diligent search, the notice may be served by conspicuous by posting the notice on the property for ten consecutive days and by publishing the notice under Gov. Code Section 6062 (ten consecutive days) in a newspaper of general circulation in the County.
   (d)   Public Hearing. At the time, date and place set for public hearing, the City Council shall consider the lien/assessment and any protests and approve, modify or reject the amount of the lien/assessment or its collection. The Council shall determine whether to utilize a lien or special assessment.
   (e)   Recordation of Lien. The lien shall be recorded in the County Recorder's office, where it shall have the force, effect and priority of a judgment lien. The City may foreclose on the lien. The City also may recovery costs regarding processing, recording or foreclosing the lien.
   (f)   Collection of Assessment. A special assessment may be collected at the same time, in the same manner and subject to the same laws, penalties and procedures for delinquencies as ordinary municipal taxes. However, if any real property to which the abatement and related administrative costs relates has been transferred or conveyed to a bona fide purchaser for value, or if a lien of a bona fide encumbrancer for value has been created and attaches thereon prior to the date on which the first installment of the taxes would become delinquent, then the abatement and related administrative costs shall not result in a lien against the real property but shall instead by transferred to the unsecured roll for collection.