11.10.110 Determination and Recovery of Costs by Probation Officer from a Minor or His/Her Parents.
   (a)   Collection by Juvenile Court. As set out in Welfare & Institutions Code Sections 742.10 et seq., the City hereby elects to have the ability to request the probation officer of the County recoup, in juvenile court proceedings, its costs associated with defacement by minors of its and others property with graffiti, as those costs are set out in Section 11.10.110(B) below.
   (b)   Cost Measures. The City finds that the average cost to the City for removing graffiti or repairing or replacing property are as follows. Commencing January 1, 2005, these amounts shall be increased 3% per year effective each January 1.
Cost per square inch of removing painted graffiti from property
Cost per square inch of repairing property
$ .05
Cost per hour for employees and vehicle cost per mile (combined, including computer and other equipment cost) of Canyon Lake Police Dept. in identifying and apprehending a person (including a minor) later convicted of a graffiti related offense (PC 549, 549.3, 594.4, 640.5, 640.6, 640.7 as those may be added or those may be amended or sections are added from time-to-time):
Cost per square inch of replacing property:
   (c)   Transmitting Cost Data. When the City police department apprehends a minor/person for one of the offenses stated above, in order to proceed with juvenile court recovery, the City shall transmit to the probation officer and juvenile court data sufficient to determine the City’s law enforcement, removal, repair and replacement costs as set out in (b) above. The City also shall participate in procedures developed by the probation officer.
(Am. Ord. 92, passed 12-1-2004)