11.10.060. Furnishing or Selling Specific Types of Graffiti Implements to Minor.
   (a)   It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Code for any person to give, sell or loan to any other person any implement with the knowledge such implement may be used to cause or attempt to cause graffiti. It is unlawful for any retail or commercial merchant to store, stock or display any aerosol paint container, paint stick or marker in such a way that it may be handled by or accessible to anyone who is not an employee or otherwise authorized personnel, without the assistance of said employee or authorized personnel.
   (b)   All such merchants who sell aerosol paint containers, paint sticks or markers as part of a business shall conspicuously display a sign applicable to all such aerosol paint containers, paint sticks or markers available for sale stating substantially the following:
      (1)   “Must be 18 years of age or older to purchase. Must have valid I.D. to purchase”; and
      (2)   “Any person who maliciously defaces real or personal property with graffiti is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both.”
   All signs must be at least ten inches by 16 inches, with letter size of at least 3/8 inch, and posted in a conspicuous place within six feet of the implement or paraphernalia being offered for sale. Such signs may be obtained from and furnished by the City.