11.10.030. Prohibition Against Causing or Attempting to Cause Graffiti.
   It is unlawful for any person or group of persons to apply or cause or attempt to apply or cause graffiti or to tag including, but not limited to, any of the following acts:
   (a)   Drawing, scribing, etching, marking, painting, staining, sticking or adhering by any means whatsoever, any unauthorized inscription, symbol, design, and/or any configuration of letters and/or numbers upon any surface, whether publicly or privately owned, including, but not limited to, trees, mail boxes, signs, poles, fixtures, utility boxes, trash containers, fences, walls, windows, roofs, paths, walks, streets or pavement, under/overpasses, tunnels, bridges, trestles, drainage facilities, buildings and/or the interior or exterior of any other structures or surfaces.
   (b)   Attempting to draw, scribe, etch, mark, paint, stain, stick or adhere by any means whatsoever, any unauthorized inspection, symbol, design, and/or any configuration of letters and/or numbers upon any surface, whether publicly or privately owned, including, but not limited to, trees, mail boxes, signs, poles, fixtures, utility boxes, walls, windows, roofs, paths, walks, streets or pavement, fences, trash containers, under/overpasses, tunnels, bridges, trestles, drainage facilities, buildings and/or the exterior or interior of any other structures or surfaces.
   (c)   Conspiring to, or participating in any way in causing or attempting to cause graffiti, including, but not limited to, acting as a “look-out.”