1.04.020 Seal; insignia; custody and use of.
   The City Clerk or his or her deputy shall have charge of the City Seal and such other insignia that may from time to time be adopted pursuant to this Code. Except as provided by this Code, any seal, insignia or other symbol officially adopted for use by the City of Canyon Lake shall not be affixed to any instrument or item without the specific written consent of the City Clerk. Therefore, community groups or commercial enterprises may request use of the seal from the City Clerk. The City Clerk shall obtain any and all information explaining the proposed use and shall refer the request to the City Council on its next regular meeting agenda. The City Council shall consider the use in light of the City image to be projected and may request compensation or shared revenues where appropriate from the requesting group or enterprise.   
(3-12/90 § 1.04.020; 27-3/92 § 1.04.020)