8.12.190 Definitions.
   202 Definitions. The following definitions are amended/added to Section 202 of the California Fire Code and reads as follows:
   “ALL WEATHER DRIVING SURFACE.” An all-weather driving surface is a concrete or asphalt covering over base material and a roadbed compacted to ninety-five percent, and of sufficient thickness to support heavy fire apparatus (approximately 75,000 gross vehicle weight) with a grade of no more than fifteen percent (15%) and a minimum width of twenty- four (24) feet, unless approval for a lesser amount is obtained from the Fire Code official.
   “FIRE CHIEF.” The Fire Chief of the Canyon Lake Fire Department or designee.
   “FIRE HAZARD.” Any condition, arrangement, or act which will increase, or may cause an increase of, the hazard or menace of fire to a greater degree than customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service of preventing, suppressing or extinguishing fire; or which may obstruct, delay, or hinder, or may become the cause of obstruction, delay or hindrance to the prevention, suppression, or extinguishment of fire.”
   “FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE.” The strip of land where combustible vegetation has been thinned or modified or both and partially or totally replaced with approved fire resistant and/or irrigated plats to provide an acceptable level of risk from vegetation fires. Fuels modification reduces the radiant and convective heat on a structure and provides valuable defensible space for firefighter to make a stand against an approaching fire front.
   “HAZARDOUS FIRE AREA.” Includes all areas identified within Section 4906.2 and other areas as determined by the Fire Code Official due to the presences of combustible vegetation or the proximity of property to an area that contains combustible vegetation.
   “MID-RISE BUILDING.” A building four or more stories high but not exceeding 75 feet in height and not defined as a high-rise building by Section 202 of the California Building Code. Measurements shall be made from the underside of the roof or floor above the topmost space that may be occupied to the lowest fire apparatus access road level.
(Ord. 190, passed 1-15-2020; Am. Ord. 213, passed 10-6-2021; Am. Ord. 227, passed 11-9-2022)