3.37.050 Determination of costs.
   Upon written notification from the law enforcement agency of the necessity of providing said extraordinary law enforcement services and an itemized cost of providing said services including salaries of police officers, cost of vehicles, and other costs including administrative costs, the City Manager, or his/her designee, shall determine within five working days thereafter the actual cost of said extraordinary services.
   The City Manager upon determining the actual cost, shall cause the amount of said cost to be billed to the person named by the law enforcement agency in the notice and at the address contained therein setting forth the date and time of the incident, and the services performed, and the costs thereof, and such other information as may be required. The amount of such cost shall be deemed a debt to the city of the person or persons receiving said services and to whom billed. Any person owing money shall be liable in any action brought in the name of the city for recovery of such amounts, including reasonable attorney’s fees.
(Ord. 67, passed 2-3-1999)