3.32.010 False alarm prevention.
   Whenever the City receives an excessive number of false alarms from any one source, a service fee shall be assessed.
   (a)   “False alarm” as defined herein shall mean an alarm set off by human negligence, including but not limited to an alarm in a structure or vehicle.
   (b)   The first through fourth false alarm in any consecutive 365-day period shall not be considered excessive and no service fee shall be assessed.
   (c)   Upon receipt of the fifth and any subsequent false alarm within any 365-day period, the alarm owner or lessee shall pay a service fee. Such service fee shall be set by resolution of the City Council.
   (d)   Upon receipt of the eighth false alarm within the 365-day period mentioned above, in addition to the service fee, the alarm system may be considered a public nuisance and the alarm owner notified that police response to further activations of that system will be discontinued for a period of 30 days for each successive false alarm received. The City Manager or his designee shall provide a copy of such notice to the Police Chief as instructions regarding responses.
   (e)   Failure to pay an assessed service fee within 30 days of the billing date shall result in the automatic cessation of police response to further activations of said alarm system until such fee is paid.
   (f)   Public schools, as well as all City, county, state and federal facilities, are exempt from the provisions of this Section.
(14-8/91 § 3.03.01)