(A)   Procedure.
      (1)   Applicants requesting downtown design standards review are required to contact the Zoning Administrator in order to set up a pre-application meeting to discuss the project in question. A meeting with city staff is required to discuss the application process, examine the downtown design standards policies and regulations, review conceptual plans, provide advice for the purpose of avoiding any unnecessary plan modifications or design related conflicts.
      (2)   Requests for downtown design standards review by the Planning Commission and City Council shall be filed with the city on an official application form at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which it will first be considered. The application shall be accompanied by a fee as provided for by the official city fee schedule. The application shall be accompanied by plan copies as specified in the city's development application. The city may waive or alter any of the submittal requirements specified herein if not applicable to a project. The request shall be considered officially submitted and the application approval timeline commences only when all the information requirements of this section are complied with and the required fees are paid.
      (3)   Pursuant to M.S. § 15.99, as it may be amended from time to time, an application for a project shall be approved or denied by the City Council within 60 days from the date of its official and complete submission, unless notice of extension is provided by the city or a time waiver is granted by the applicant. The city may extend the review and decision-making period an additional 60 days to the extent allowed by state law.
      (4)   Upon receipt of the completed application, the city shall schedule review of the request at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.
      (5)   The Downtown Design Committee shall review the proposed project and make comment and recommendation as to its consistency with the downtown plan and downtown design standards.
      (6)   The city may request additional information from the applicant to clarify the application and intent of the project.
      (7)   The Planning Commission shall make its report to the City Council after conducting the initial review.
      (8)   Upon receipt of the reports and recommendation of the Planning Commission, the City Council shall have the option to set and hold a public hearing on the request. The City Council may also refer the matter back to the Planning Commission for further consideration.
      (9)   Approval of the application by the City Council shall require passage by a majority vote of the entire City Council. The City Council may impose conditions and restrictions as it deems appropriate or require revisions or modifications it deems necessary to protect and enhance the general architectural and site character of the city's commercial areas consistent with the policies and regulations of the downtown design standards.
      (10)   The City Council reserves the right to decline approval of a request if due regard is not shown for the policies and regulations of the downtown design standards provided herein.
   (B)   Submission and presentation requirements. In addition to any submittal requirements required by the city, applicants shall submit the following documents to portray their design proposals for either administrative or Planning Commission/City Council review. The city may waive any of the requirements specified below if not applicable to a project:
      (1)   Colored illustration of site plan;
      (2)   Colored perspective sketch representing realistic proportions of the building and its immediate surroundings;
      (3)   Colored building elevations (front, rear and sides at one-quarter inch scale minimum);
      (4)   Partial or enlarged building elevation (one-half inch scale minimum);
      (5)   Enlarged sketch of site amenities;
      (6)   Materials board with actual examples of all building materials; and
      (7)   Colored computer graphic simulation and/or an architectural model.
(Prior Code, § 11-76-9) (Ord. 258, passed 5-4-2006)