(A) Area. The minimum lot area, width and depth shall not be less than that established by the city zoning regulations in effect at the time of adoption of the final plat, except that those final plats adopted within two years of the date of preliminary plat approval shall be subject to the minimum lots requirements in effect at the time of preliminary plat approval.
(B) Corner lots. Corner lots for residential use shall have additional width to permit appropriate building setback from both streets and a side yard buffer yard where the side yard abuts a collector or arterial street as required in the city zoning regulations.
(C) Side lot lines. Side lines of lots shall be approximately at right angles to street lines or radial to curved street lines.
(D) Width. Every lot must have the minimum width measured at the minimum front yard setback.
(E) Lot frontage. All lots shall have frontage on a public street that provides the required lot width at the minimum front yard setback. Flag lots are prohibited.
(F) Building sites. Each lot shall provide an adequate building site at least 18 inches above the grade of the crown of the street. Elevations shall be in accordance with the approved grading plan for the development.
(G) Single- and two-family lot access. All new single- and two-family urban lots shall be designed to receive access from a local street.
(H) Access to arterial streets and major collector streets. In the case where a proposed plat is adjacent to a major collector or arterial street, the streets to be defined by the city's Comprehensive Plan, there shall be no direct vehicular access from individual urban single-family or two-family lots to the streets. In the platting of small tracts of land fronting on limited access highways, arterial or major collector streets where there is no other alternative, a temporary entrance may be granted, subject to terms and conditions defined by the City Council and application to county or state agencies. As neighboring land becomes subdivided and more preferable access arrangements become possible, the temporary access permits shall become void. In these cases where direct lot access to major collector or arterial streets is allowed, special traffic safety measures including, but not limited, provisions for on-site vehicle turn around shall be required. In cases where a proposed plat is adjacent to the county or state highway, the plat shall be subject to county and/or state approval.
(I) New commercial, industrial and multiple-family lots. New commercial, industrial and multiple- family lots fronting on an arterial or major collector street shall be designed to minimize the number of direct access points through the following methods listed in preferential order. If the highest preference is not possible, the next preference shall be utilized until an access method is possible:
(1) Access from a local street;
(2) Frontage road serving multiple properties;
(3) Frontage driveway or connected parking lot with cross easements serving multiple properties;
(4) Shared driveways; and
(5) One driveway access, no closer than 200 feet to another driveway and that meets the city's minimum spacing standards from a street intersection. All driveways shall be reviewed for consistency with the policies of the City Comprehensive Plan.
(J) Setback lines. Setback or building lines shall be shown on all lots intended for residential use and shall not be less than the setback required by the city zoning regulations, as may be amended.
(K) Watercourses. Watercourses may be contained within abutting lots. A minimum of a 30-foot buffer extending outward from the delineated wetland boundary or the watercourse ordinary high water level shall also be provided.
(L) Grading for drainage. Lots shall be graded so as to provide drainage away from building locations and shall conform to the approved final grading plan. Stormwater drainage from an improved subdivision or lot shall not be directed at an adjoining property at a rate above a predevelopment condition except where drainage is directed to a designed drainage easement.
(M) Features. In the subdividing of any land, due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth, watercourses, historic places or similar conditions which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and stability to the proposed development.
(N) Frontage on two streets. Double frontage or lots with frontage on two parallel streets shall not be permitted except where lots back on major collector or arterial streets, county or state highways or where topographic or other conditions render subdividing otherwise unreasonable. Additional lot depth and a 20 foot wide landscaped buffer yard shall be provided where a lot backs onto a major collector or arterial streets.
(O) Irregular shaped lots. On single-family residential lots determined to be irregular in shape (e.g., triangular), the developer shall demonstrate to the city an ability to properly place principal buildings and accessory structures upon the site which are compatible in size and character to the surrounding area.
(P) Building expansion. All single-family residential lots shall be designed in consideration of potentials for buildings accommodating three stall garages, porches and decks and the like without need for setback variance. The buildings and structures are to be compatible in size and character with the surrounding area.
(Q) Lot remnants/outlots. All remnants of lots below minimum lot size left over after subdividing a larger tract must be added to adjacent lots rather than allowed to remain as unusable parcels. Outlots may be platted within a subdivision to delineate future development phases or commonly owned open spaces. The outlot shall be sized in a manner to accommodate its intended use. No building permits shall be issued for an outlot except for open air structures allowed as a recreational component in an open space area.
(Prior Code, § 12-7-4) (Ord. 259, passed 5-4-2006)