(A)   Generally. Approval of a preliminary plat by the City Council is an acceptance of the general layout, as submitted, and indicates that the developer may proceed toward final plat approval in accordance with the City Council approval of the preliminary plat, including conditions. The final plat application shall have incorporated all the conditions of City Council approval of the preliminary plat. In all other respects, the final plat shall substantially conform to the preliminary plat. It may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the developer proposes to record and develop at that time, provided that the portion conforms with all the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Revised preliminary plat. The city may require seven large scale copies (22 inches by 34 inches), one reproducible reduction at 11 inches by 17 inches and one digital electronic copy in a format compatible with the city's computer system of the preliminary plat and of supporting documents illustrating all changes and conditions that were required as part of preliminary plat approval. This revised preliminary plat will provide the historical record of the subdivision approval by which subsequent final plats shall be considered.
   (C)   Title restrictions. The city shall require submission of one copy of any title declaration, conservation easements, deed restriction, restrictive covenant or homeowner's association documents.
   (D)   Final plat general information. Twelve large scale (22 inches by 34 inches) copies and one digital electronic copy in a format compatible with the city's computer system of the final plat and supporting documents, plus any additional copies deemed necessary by the Zoning Administrator plus one copy reduced to 11 inches by 17 inches.
      (1)   Name of the subdivision;
      (2)   Location by section, township, range, county and state as well as descriptive boundaries of the subdivision based upon an accurate traverse, giving angular and linear dimensions;
      (3)   Scale (engineering only) one inch equals 100 feet or less;
      (4)   North point indication;
      (5)   The location of monuments shall be shown and described. Pipe or steel rod shall be at the corners of each lot and at each intersection of street centerlines;
      (6)   Location and accurate dimensions of all lots, outlots, streets and other features. Lots and blocks shall be numbered;
      (7)   A listing of the total area of each lot measured in gross square feet per lot and total area of the plat;
      (8)   The exact location, widths and names of all proposed streets to be dedicated;
      (9)   The location and width of all easements to be dedicated;
      (10)   Accurate outlines and legal description of land to be dedicated as parks, trails, ponds or other public use shall be illustrated on the final plat and dedicated with the final plat;
      (11)   Name and address of the registered surveyor of the plat with certification by a registered surveyor in the form required by M.S. § 505.03, as it may be amended from time to time;
      (12)   Statement dedicating all easements as follows: easements for installation and maintenance of trails, utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over, under and along the areas designated as drainage and utility easements;
      (13)   Statement dedicating all streets or other public rights-of-way as follows: streets and other public areas shown on this plat and not heretofore dedicated to public use are hereby so dedicated; and
      (14)   Final grading, construction plans shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with city standards.
   (E)   Development contracts.
      (1)   The developer shall meet with the city staff to finalize the terms of the development contract.
      (2)   Upon finalization of the development contract, the City Administrator shall have the final copy of the contract signed by all appropriate parties. The development contract shall be recorded against the property.
      (3)   Financial securities shall be posted with the city as outlined in the development contract.
      (4)   Final grading and utility plans shall be approved by the City Engineer and made a part of the development contract.
      (5)   When the city has agreed to install improvements in a development, the developer shall furnish the city a financial statement satisfactory to the city. When the city has not undertaken improvement installation, it may, at its option, require the developer to furnish a financial statement satisfactory to the city.
   (F)   Additional final plat information.
      (1)   Certification by a registered land surveyor, to the effect that the plat represents a survey made by him or her and that monuments and markers shown thereof exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct;
      (2)   Notarized certification by owner and by any mortgage holder of record of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas;
      (3)   Approval by signature of city and county officials concerned with the approval of the plat; and
      (4)   Form for approval of the Council as follows:
   APPROVED by the Council of the City of Cannon Falls, this                  day of                  , 20  .
         Signed                            , Mayor
         Attest                            , City Administrator
(Prior Code, § 12-6-1) (Ord. 259, passed 5-4-2006)