(A) Generally. The sketch plan shall include seven large scale copies and one reduced scale (11 inches by 17 inches) copy of detailed written materials, plans and specifications to include the information listed below. Additional large scale copies shall be provided for each of the following, if applicable:
Circumstance | Additional Copies |
Project abuts a township | 1 |
Project is adjacent to a county road or county state aid highway | 1 |
Project is adjacent to a state highway | 1 |
Project lies within a Shoreland or Floodplain Overlay Districts | 1 |
(B) General location and site description.
(1) Name and address of developer/owner;
(2) Date of plan preparation and dates of revision;
(3) Scale of plan (engineering scale only; one inch equals 100 feet);
(4) North arrow indication;
(5) Legal description;
(6) Property location map illustrating the site location relative to adjoining properties and streets;
(7) Scaled drawing (engineering scale only) illustrating property boundaries;
(8) Proof of ownership;
(9) Current and proposed land use and zoning;
(10) Evaluation by the applicant that the subdivision would not be determined to be premature pursuant to the criteria outlined by these subdivision regulations;
(11) Aerial photo with sketch plan overlay; and
(12) Additional information as required by the Zoning Administrator.
(C) Resource inventory. A resource inventory, mapped at a scale of one inch to 100 feet or less shall include:
(1) Topographic contours. Topographic contours at two-foot intervals;
(2) Soil type locations. Soil type locations and identification of soil type characteristics such as hydric soils, depth to bedrock, depth to water table and suitability for wastewater disposal systems, if applicable (County Soil Survey information);
(3) Hydrologic characteristics. Hydrologic characteristics including surface watercourses, floodplains, delineated wetlands, natural swales and drainageways;
(4) Site vegetation. Site vegetation including:
(a) Cover type (pasture, woodland and the like);
(b) Woodland area boundaries;
(c) Individual trees having a diameter at breast height of 18 or more inches; and
(d) Vegetative type descriptions (deciduous, coniferous or mixed) by plant community, relative age and condition.
(5) Current land use and land cover. Current land use and land cover (cultivated areas, paved areas and the like), all buildings and structures on the land and all encumbrances, such as easements or covenants;
(6) Transportation systems. Transportation systems including:
(a) Adjoining streets;
(b) Functional classifications;
(c) Current and projected traffic volumes; and
(d) General conditions.
(7) Neighborhood context. General outlines of existing neighborhoods, land uses, buildings, streets and natural features such as waterbodies or wooded areas, roads, driveways and property boundaries within 300 feet of the tract. This information shall be presented on an aerial photograph at a scale of no less than one inch to 200 feet.
(D) Sketch subdivision plan. One or more of the subdivision sketch plans meeting the intent of this chapter and including at least the following information:
(1) Open space areas indicating which areas are to be protected and defined by the purpose of the open space;
(2) Boundaries of areas to be developed and proposed general street and lot layout;
(3) Number and type of housing units and/or approximate size and location of commercial and industrial buildings as may be applicable;
(4) Areas proposed for stormwater management;
(5) Street system that interconnects neighborhoods that is consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan;
(6) Location of utility trunks intended to serve the site;
(7) The plans shall be drawn at a scale of one inch to 100 feet or less; and
(8) Total area of wetlands and uplands on site.
(E) Application fee and deposit. Application fee and deposit or escrow security to pay for review costs of the city staff and consultants.
(Prior Code, § 12-4-1) (Ord. 259, passed 5-4-2006)