All utility lines hereafter installed, constructed or otherwise placed within the city for electric, telephone, TV cable or other like or similar services to serve residential, commercial and industrial customers in newly platted areas, and which utilize metallic conductors to carry electric current, whether owned, installed or constructed by the supplier, consumer or any party, shall be installed and placed underground, subject only to the exceptions hereinafter stated; however, above-ground placement, construction, modification or replacement of meters, gauges, transformers, street lighting and service connection pedestals shall be allowed. The requirements of this section shall apply equally outside of the corporate limits of the city coincident with city jurisdiction of platting, subdivision regulation or comprehensive planning as may now or in the future be allowed by law. All companies installing and operating lines such as those described herein shall be referred to as utility companies for purposes of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 4.30, Subd. 1)