For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DAMAGED GOODS SALE. Offering for sale to the public all or part of the regular inventory of an established business, which inventory has been damaged or altered by fire, smoke, water or other casualty.
   ESTABLISHED BUSINESS. A retail establishment in the city which offers for sale goods, wares or merchandise of the same or related kind(s) to the public at a fixed location.
   FIXED LOCATION. An immobile, non-transient, permanent location upon real estate in the city which is either owned by the established business or its owner or leased on a month-to-month term, or leased on a term-certain lease for a period longer than 30 days.
   MOVING OR PERMANENTLY TERMINATING BUSINESS SALE. Offering for sale to the public all or part of the regular inventory of an established business which is either moving from one location in the city to another location in the city, moving out of the city or permanently terminating business, whether the termination is voluntary or involuntary on the part of the owner.
   REGULAR INVENTORY. Any goods, wares or merchandise which was the stock-in-trade of the established business before the sale. The term does not include goods, wares or merchandise purchased, imported or offered for the first time at the sale.
      (1)   Any manner of transferring or attempting to transfer title to goods, wares or merchandise, whether by auction or otherwise.
      (2)   Provided, however, that the term does not apply to the sale or attempted sale of the household goods or similar property used around the home or person of the owner, by the owner, the owner's legal representative, heirs-at-law or devisees, on residential property by auction or other means.
   TEMPORARY SALE. A sale other than a damaged goods or a moving or permanently terminating business sale on premises neither owned by the applicant nor leased for a period of at least six months.
(Prior Code, § 6.29, Subd. 1) (Ord. 129, effective 6-5-1992)