For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT. Any premises where a commercial or industrial enterprise of any kind is carried on, and shall include restaurants, clubs, churches and schools where food is prepared or served.
   MULTIPLE DWELLING. Any building used for residential purposes consisting of more than four dwelling units with individual kitchen facilities for each.
   REFUSE. Includes all organic material resulting from the manufacture, preparation or serving of food or food products and spoiled, decayed or waste foods from any source, bottles, cans, glassware, paper or paper products, crockery, ashes, rags and discarded clothing, tree or lawn clippings, leaves, weeds and other waste products, except human waste or waste resulting from building construction or demolition.
   RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. Any single building consisting of one through four dwelling units with individual kitchen facilities for each.
(Prior Code, § 10.01, Subd. 1)