(A)   In addition to the lateral connection charges set forth herein, a trunk hook-up charge, unless charged as a part of public improvement project, shall be imposed against each lot or tract of land, or portion thereof served by the sewer system for the sewer treatment facilities, lift stations, forcemains, trunk sewers, and the replacement of existing sewer facilities. The amount of this charge shall be automatically adjusted each year on January 1 to reflect construction cost changes to the local Minneapolis region as evidenced by the Engineering News-Record Construction Cost Index.
   (B)   The number of unit trunk hook-up charges to be levied against each benefited lot or tract of land, or portion thereof, shall be established by using the following criteria:
      (1)   Single-family houses, townhouses, condominiums, mobile homes and duplex units shall each comprise one unit for each dwelling unit;
      (2)   Other buildings and structures shall be assigned one water trunk hook-up charge (unit) based upon estimated usage.
   (C)   The number of sewer trunk hook-up charges imposed against the premises may be revised based upon actual use.
   (D)   Upon written request of the owner of the benefited premises showing good cause, the sewer trunk hook-up charge may be specially assessed against the benefited property payable in semiannual installments over a four-year period at 8% interest. Unless deferred payment is so authorized, all trunk hook-up charges shall be payable in full prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction on the property.
(Ord. 325, passed 12-4-2012)