§ 152.792 VARIANCES.
   Variances may be granted by the Council upon application in extraordinary cases but only when the proposed use is determined to be in the public interest and no variance shall be granted which the Council determines will or has a tendency to:
   (A)   Result in the placement of an artificial obstruction which will restrict the passage of storm and flood water in a manner as to increase the height of flooding, except obstructions approved by the Watershed Districts in conjunction with sound floodplain management and allowed by the Floodplain District regulations;
   (B)   Result in incompatible land uses or which would be detrimental to the protection of surface and ground water supplies;
   (C)   Be not in keeping with land use plans and planning objectives for the city or which will increase or cause danger to life or property;
   (D)   Be inconsistent with the objectives of encouraging land uses compatible with the preservation of the natural land forms, vegetation and the marshes and wetlands within the city; and
   (E)   No permit or variance shall be issued unless the applicant has submitted a Shoreland Impact Plan as required and set forth in this subchapter. In granting any variance, the Council may attach conditions as it deems necessary to ensure compliance with the purpose and intent of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 11-82-8) (Ord. 258, passed 5-4-2006)