   (a)   No box shall be located in an R-1 or R-2 zoning district or within two hundred (200) feet of a one- or two-family residence.
   (b)   No box shall be located within one mile of an existing box.
   (c)   No one applicant shall have more than five (5) boxes within the City of Canfield at any given time, provided that boxes located on property owned or controlled by the applicant and that are associated with the applicant's permanent business located within a building on the same property as the box shall not be included in the five (5) box limit.
   (d)   No box shall be located on property that does not currently have a permanent business in operation on the same property.
   (e)   No portion of any box shall be located within the front or side building setback, on property owned by or dedicated to the public, or located within the sight triangle of any intersecting streets or driveways.
   (f)   All boxes and related vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, and maneuvering shall be located on hard-surface pavement.
   (g)   No required off-street parking spaces may be utilized for such box, and such shall not be located in any loading lane, driving aisle, queuing area, or handicap parking space including access lane.
   (h)   No box shall be larger than six (6) feet wide by six (6) feet long and stand taller than six (6) feet.
   (i)   All boxes shall be clearly marked with the name and phone number of the applicant and shall state whether donation is "tax deductible" or "non-tax deductible", provided;
      (1)   Required markings shall be in a font that is easily readable with letters being at least four (4) inches tall;
      (2)   Required markings shall be located on the front of each box with the front being the side where the box has an opening for donations.
   (j)   All items for donation shall at all times be fully maintained within the box. No accumulation of items, trash, or debris outside of box shall be allowed.
   (k)   All boxes shall be constructed of all-weather type material and regularly maintained (e.g. repainted/repaired) by the applicant such that they remain in a like new condition.
   (l)   If items, trash, or debris accumulates outside of the box or if box becomes deteriorated due to lack of proper maintenance, the box shall be considered junk and debris and the applicant will be subject to citations pursuant to the City's Commercial Property Maintenance Code and/or suspension or revocation of its permit. No permit for a donation box shall be issued or renewed to any applicant with any pending suspended permit for a donation box or to any applicant whose permit for a donation box has been revoked within the previous three (3) calendar years.
(Ord. 2016-07. Passed 3-16-16.)
   (a)   No bin shall be located in an R-1 or R-2 zoning district or within two hundred (200) feet of a one- or two-family residence.
   (b)   No portion of any bin shall be located within the front or side building setback, on property owned by or dedicated to the public, or located within the sight triangle of any intersecting streets or driveways, provided that bins sponsored by or under contract with the city may be located on property owned by or dedicated to the public, but in no case shall any bin be located upon any public street right-of way or street easement.
   (c)   There shall be only one bin or group of bins with a maximum cumulative volume of eight (8) cubic yards allowed per acre per location. Wherever such bins are placed in groups, each bin shall be separated from an adjacent bin by no more than ten (10) feet.
   (d)   All bins and related vehicular and pedestrian access, parking, and maneuvering shall be located on hard-surface pavement, provided that bins located in an M-1 zoning district may be allowed on a gravel or gravel equivalent surface.
   (e)   No required off-street parking spaces may be utilized for such bins, and such shall not be located in any loading lane, driving aisle, queuing area, or handicap parking space including access lane.
   (f)   Any bin or group of bins that exceed one hundred fifty (150) square feet in total area shall be screened from any adjacent street, R-1 or R-2 zoning district, or one- or two-family residence with an opaque fence or wall six (6) to eight (8) feet in height, provided that bins located in an M-1 zoning district shall not be required to be screened.
   (g)   All items for collection shall at all times be fully maintained within the bin. No accumulation of items, trash, or debris outside of the bin shall be allowed.
   (h)   All boxes shall be constructed of all-weather type material and regularly maintained (e.g. repainted/repaired) by the applicant such that they remain in a like new condition.
   (i)   If items, trash, or debris accumulates outside of the bin or if the bin becomes deteriorated due to lack of proper maintenance, the bin shall be considered junk and debris and the applicant will be subject to citations pursuant to the City's Commercial Property Maintenance Code, and/or suspension or revocation of permit. No permit for a recycling bin shall be issued or renewed to any applicant with any pending suspended license for a recycling bin or to any applicant whose permit for a recycling bin has been revoked within the previous three (3) calendar years.
(Ord. 2016-07. Passed 3-16-16.)
   The Zoning Inspector shall issue a zoning permit to applicants complying with all applicable provisions contained in Sections 1171.01-1171.04. The cost of the permit shall be $225.00.
(Ord. 2015-07. Passed 3-16-16.)