No property, whether real or personal, or moneys, accounts, deposits or investments of the City are subject to a levy of execution or judicial sale or attachment to satisfy a judgment for damages rendered against the City regardless of whether liability is based on these provisions, other provisions of the Ohio Revised Code or the common law. Uninsured judgments shall be paid from funds appropriated for that purpose, and if sufficient funds are not currently appropriated for the payment of judgments, the Finance Director shall certify the amount of any unpaid judgments to the taxing authority for inclusion in the next succeeding fiscal year as provided by Ohio R.C. 5705.08, unless any such unpaid judgment is to be paid from the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant to Ohio R.C. 133.27 or pursuant to annual installments authorized by Ohio R.C. 2744.10. (Ord. 1985-20. Passed 9-3-85.)