Candidates for Mayor and members of Council shall be elected on a non-partisan basis on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws pertaining to the conduct of municipal elections. Each person desiring to become a candidate for Mayor or member of Council shall file a statement of candidacy and nominating petitions with the Mahoning County Board of Elections containing signatures of electors, as required by the election laws of the State of Ohio, not later than 4:00 p.m. of the ninetieth (90th) day before the date of such election or at such other time as may hereinafter be provided by the Ohio election laws. The procedure established by the Ohio election laws, for filing and voting shall be followed except as modified by this Charter. An elector may sign only as many petitions for Mayor or Council members as there are places to be filled at the regular Municipal election. (Amended 11-7-78.)