(a)   Streets. All streets and thoroughfares shall be graded, including side slopes, and improved in accordance with the standards outlined or referred to in these Regulations. Plans and specifications for street improvements shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer. The Approved Canfield Standard Typical Sections for local and collector streets are shown in Appendix C.
(b)   Pavements. Street pavements may be either flexible (asphalt) or rigid (concrete) pavement and shall be designed per soil classification. Where a roadway pavement is being constructed over several different groups of soils, as indicated on the Canfield District Soil Map, the design criteria required by the lower strength soil group classification shall be used. Questions regarding design criteria occurring in several groups of soils will be decided by the City Engineer. The subdivider shall submit to the City Engineer, along with the construction drawings, a pavement design which shall be shown on the typical section to conform to the anticipated traffic and axle loads.
(c)   Curbs. Concrete curb and gutters shall be required on all streets. Curb and gutters shall conform to the Canfield Typical Section Standard Drawings, Appendix C.
Concrete curbs shall be depressed at all intersections to allow for the construction of Barrier Free Ramps as illustrated in Appendix C
(d)   Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of the streets and shall have a minimum width of four (4) feet and a minimum thickness of four (4) inches to provide for the safety of pedestrians. They shall be required in all areas except those designated exclusively for industrial use. If a subdivision has more than one designational use, the sidewalks shall be required continuously throughout the subdivision.
It is mandatory that sidewalks be constructed at the same time the curbs are constructed.
Sidewalks shall conform to the Canfield Typical Section Standard Appendix C.
Barrier Free Ramps must be installed at all intersections in accordance with the City of Canfield Standard Drawings in Appendix C. (Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
(e)   Storm Water Drainage.  The developer must provide an OEPA issued Permit-To- Install prior to construction.
All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch basins and appurtenances as approved by the City Engineer shall be constructed to provide for the adequate disposal of subsurface, and surface water and maintenance of natural drainage courses. Storm drainage facilities within a subdivision shall either discharge to an existing storm sewer interceptor of adequate capacity or a natural drainage course capable of handling peak rates without causing flooding. Roof drains and any storm drainage shall not discharge to the street pavement.
All Retention/Detention facilities shall be completed and approved prior to commencement of construction of any subdivision within the City of Canfield.
Retention/Detention facilities located within 500' of an existing dwelling shall be landscaped to as near predevelopment conditions as possible. (Distance measured from outermost edge of interior slope to nearest existing habitable dwelling).
Prior to the acceptance of the subdivision by the Municipality, ownership and maintenance of any Retention/Detention facility within the subdivision shall be transferred to an association or legal entity and proper legal documents necessary for such transfer of dedication shall be prepared by the owner/developer of the subdivision and approved by Council.
Storm sewers shall be installed at a depth so that roof leader drains, drains from springs and swampy areas, are serviceable by gravity.
The minimum standards for storm sewers, Retention/Detention facilities, roadway ditches and drainage from curbed pavements are as specified in Appendix D. All drainage appurtenances shall conform to the standards of the City of Canfield, Ohio.
   The bedding material for ODOT Item 603 - pipe culverts, sewers, and drains, Type A, B, C, D, E, and F shall consist of washed gravel, size 57 or 67 in accordance with ODOT 703.01. No other material will be permitted. This is applicable to ODOT 706 and ODOT 707 pipes and culverts, excluding ODOT 706.05, 706.051, and 706.052 on slab bottoms or corrugated invert pipe. For these pipes and culverts, use structural backfill for bedding.
   Structural backfill, where required, shall consist of a granular sand, washed gravel, or a manufactured limestone meeting the requirements of ODOT 703.11, Type 1 meeting the graduation of ODOT 703.17. No other material will be permitted.
(Ord. 2008-17. Passed 7-9-08.)
(f)   Culverts and Bridges. When natural drainage channels intersect any street right-of- way, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to have satisfactory bridges and culverts designed and constructed. Where culverts are required, the following minimum requirements shall be observed:
      (1)   Design Storm Frequency.
         A.   Arterial Highway - 25 years
         B.   Collectors and residential roadways - 10 years
      (2)   Maximum Allowable Headwater for Design Storm.
         A.   Two (2) feet below edge of pavement for drainage area in excess of 100 acres and one (1) foot below edge of pavement for drainage areas less than 1000 acres.
         B.   Two (2) feet below the ground elevation adjacent to an occupied building for a 50 year storm.
      (3)   Method Used to Estimate Design Discharge. Method vary from empirical formulas to a variety of watershed model programs. Selecting the appropriate private method will depend on the information needed and the size of the area under study.
         Other methods to be considered are shown in Bulletin 45, as published by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the methods given by the Soil Conservation Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
      (4)   Minimum Cover from Top of Pipe to Subgrade.
         A.   Rigid pipe - 9"
         B.   Flexible pipe - 12"
      (5)   Maximum Cover. The maximum allowable height is based on structural requirements for dead and live loads for various sizes of pipe.
      (6)   Maximum Allowable Culvert Outlet Velocity.
         A.   Bare Earth Channel - 5 fps
         B.   Rock Channel Protection - 18 fps
(g)   Water Lines and Water Supply.
      (1)   Public Water Supply. The developer must provide an OEPA issued Permit- to-Install prior to construction.
         Where a public water supply is reasonably accessible or required because of pollution problems, in the determination of the Commission, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants.
         The subdivider or developer shall observe all the requirements as set forth by local ordinance, requiring connections to the public water supply.
      (2)   Location and Construction of Individual Private Wells. Individual private wells shall be constructed where a water supply is reasonably non- accessible. All wells shall conform to the specifications of the Mahoning County Board of Health and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
All abandoned wells shall be sealed in a manner that will render them watertight. (Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)
(h)   Sanitary Sewers. The developer must provide an OEPA issued Permit-to-Install prior to construction.
If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Commission, the subdivider or developer shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each lot.
Public sewer system extensions shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and detailed construction drawings shall be approved by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency - Northeast District Office before construction may begin.
Where a public sewer system is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider may provide:
      (1)   A central treatment plant for the subdivision providing that the central treatment plant is in accordance with the Municipal requirements, Health Department requirements and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency requirements. The subdivider shall provide the required approval to the Commission before final approval of the plat.
      (2)   Where the installation of an individual disposal system (on-site) is considered, the requirements of the Ohio Department of Health and the approval of the Mahoning County Board of Health shall be obtained and presented to the Commission.
   The bedding material for ODOT Item 603 - pipe culverts, sewers, and drains, Type A,B,C,D,E, and F shall consist of washed gravel, size 57 or 67 in accordance with ODOT 703.01. No other material will be permitted. This is applicable to ODOT 706 and ODOT 707 pipes and culverts.
   Structural backfill, where required, shall consist of a granular sand, washed gravel, or a manufactured limestone meeting the requirements of ODOT 703.11, Type 1 meeting the graduation of ODOT 703.17. No other material will be permitted.
(Ord. 2008-17. Passed 7-9-08.)
(i)   Boundary Monuments. Boundary monuments shall be set so that, upon completion of the survey, each corner of the property and each referenced control station will be physically monumented. When it is impossible or impracticable to set a boundary monument on a corner, the surveyor shall set a reference monument, similar in character to the boundary monument and preferably along one of the property lines which intersect the corner. When such a reference monument is used, it shall be clearly identified as a reference monument on the plat of the property and in any new deed description which may be written for the property.
Every boundary monument and/or reference monument set by the surveyor shall:
      (1)   Be composed of durable material.
      (2)   Have a minimum length of thirty inches.
      (3)   Have a minimum cross-section area of material of .20 square inches.
      (4)   Be identified with durable marker bearing the surveyor's Ohio registration number and/or name or company name.
      (5)   Be detectable with conventional instruments for finding ferrous or magnetic objects.
When a case arises, due to physical obstructions such as pavements, large rocks, large roots, utility cables, etc., so that neither boundary monument or a reference monument can be conveniently or practicably set in accordance with the above, then alternative monumentation, which is essentially as durable and identifiable (e.g., Chiselled "X" in concrete, drill hole, etc) shall be established for the particular situation.
(j)   Utilities and Other Improvements. Electrical service, gas mains and other utilities shall be provided underground within each subdivision and shall not be placed under the pavement surface except at crossings. Whenever such facilities are reasonable, accessible and available, they may be required to be installed within the area prior to the approval of the final plat. Trees, when plated within the street right-of-way, must meet the approval of the park, Shade Tree and Recreation Commission of the City with regard to location and types of trees.
(Ord. 2001-13. Passed 3-21-01.)