§ 15.20.280   Notification following summary abatement.
   A.   When summary abatement is authorized by this chapter, the decision regarding whether or not to use summary abatement shall be at the Director’s discretion. In case of summary abatement, notice to the responsible party prior to abatement is not required. However, following summary abatement, the Director shall post upon the development site liable for the abatement a notice describing the action taken to abate the nuisance.
   B.   Upon posting of the notice described in division A. above, the Director shall cause a notice to be mailed to the owner at the owner’s address as recorded in the county assessment and taxation records for the property. The mailed notice shall include the content described in § 15.20.020C. An error in the name of the property owner or address listed in the county assessment and taxation records shall not render the notice void, but in that case the posted notice shall be deemed sufficient.
(Ord. 1108, passed 1-8-2003)