A. Whenever a state of emergency has been declared to exist within the city, the City Council is empowered to order and enforce the measures listed in this section. However, if circumstances prohibit the timely action of the City Council, the Mayor may order the following measures, provided that approval from a majority of the City Council is sought and obtained at the first available opportunity, or the Mayor’s order will become null and void.
B. 1. Establish a curfew for the area designated as an emergency area which fixes the hours during which all persons other than officially authorized personnel may not be upon the public streets or other public places;
2. Prohibit or limit the number of persons who may gather or congregate upon any public street, public place or any outdoor place within the area designated as an emergency area;
3. Barricade streets and roads, as well as access points onto streets and roads, and prohibit vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or restrict as an emergency area for a distance or degree of regulation as may be deemed necessary under the circumstances;
4. Evacuate persons from the area designated as an emergency area;
5. Close taverns or bars and prohibit the sale of alcoholic beverages throughout the city or a portion thereof;
6. Commit to mutual aid agreements;
7. Suspend standard procurement procedures to obtain necessary services and/or equipment;
8. Redirect funds for emergency use; and
9. Order any other measures as are found to be immediately necessary for the protection of life and/or property.