16.120.070   Minimum standards for open space
   A.   Purpose: Areas unsuitable or undesirable for development, including, but not limited to, areas containing drainageways, floodplains, identified steep slopes, significant natural features or other environmentally sensitive land may be set aside as permanent open space. No more than 25% of the required parkland dedication shall be within an identified flood plain or on an identified steep slope. The following procedures shall apply:
      1.   The types of open space which may be provided, together with maintenance required for each type, are as follows:
           a.   Natural Areas are areas of undisturbed vegetation, steep slopes, wetlands, wildlife habitat areas or areas replanted with native vegetation after construction. Maintenance is limited to removal of litter, dead tree and plant material and brush. Natural water courses are to be maintained as free flowing and devoid of debris. Stream channels shall be maintained so as not to alter flood plain levels.
           b.   Agricultural Uses. No specific maintenance is required.
           c.   Garden plots are the division of open space into plots for cultivation as gardens by residents. Maintenance may be limited to weeding.
           d.   Greenways are linear green belts linking residential areas with other open space areas. These greenways may contain bicycle paths or footpaths. Connecting greenways between residences and recreational areas is encouraged. Maintenance is limited to a minimum removal of litter dead brush and avoidance of hazards, nuisances or unhealthy conditions.
           e.   Lawns and landscaped areas consisting of grass with or without trees. Maintenance is limited to mowing, removal of litter, dead plant material, and necessary pruning.
      2.   An open space plan shall be submitted as part of the application for a tentative plat or site plan. This plan will designate the boundaries of all required open space areas as specified in the Canby Parks Acquisition Plan. The open space plan must:
           a.   Designate areas to be reserved as open space.
           b.   Specify the manner in which the open space shall be perpetuated, maintained, and administered (see Section 16.120.090 Preservation and maintenance below).
      3.   Dedication of open space may occur concurrently with development of the project. At the discretion of the City, for development which will be phased, the open space may be set aside in totality and/or developed in conjunction with the first phases of the development or incrementally set aside and developed in proportion to the development occurring in each phase.
      4.   Open space must be residentially zoned and must be located adjacent to the primary site.