16.89.90   Modifications.
Any proposed modification to previously approved land use applications, including site plans, elevations, or conditions of approval, shall be reviewed by the Planning Director to determine if they are minor, intermediate, or major. Factors to be considered in this determination include the date of the original application, the impact on neighboring properties, and the impact on public service provision. Modifications shall be processed as indicated in subsections A through D below. Modification applications shall be made on forms provided for the purpose by the Planning Director.
   A.   Minor Modification. Minor modifications have a negligible impact on an approved site plan, land use decision, or condition of approval. The Planning Director will review all minor modifications under the Type I process.
   B.   Intermediate Modification. Intermediate modifications are those that do not fit the definitions in 16.89.090(A) or (C). The Planning Director will review intermediate modifications under the Type II process. If the Planning Director approves an intermediate modification, notice of the decision will be made in accordance with the Type II process. The individuals noticed may obtain a public hearing on the issue by filing a request in writing within ten days of the notice mailing date. Any additional costs of such hearings shall be paid by the modification applicant. Hearing notice shall follow the requirements of the procedure type of the original application.
   C.   Major Modification. Any modification that would result in a substantial impact to an approved site plan, land use decision, or condition of approval is a major modification. Major modifications shall be processed using the procedure type of the original application.
   D.   Modification criteria. Modification applications shall be evaluated based on the criteria pertaining to the original application being modified. (Ord. 1111, 2003; Ord 1237, 2007)