16.48.010   Required prior to plan check.
Prior to undergoing a plan check for construction, all proposed commercial, industrial and residential development projects shall undergo a site plan review to be conducted by the staff. This review is intended to focus on Code compliance and the mitigation of potential health and safety hazards rather than on architectural or aesthetic design features. Additional to the requirements imposed as a result of a site plan review the staff may also make certain recommendations which are not binding upon the applicant but which are intended to improve the overall quality or appearance of the development. A site plan review shall also be conducted by staff for any residential structure including, but not limited to, manufactured homes, whether new or previously occupied, which are proposed to be moved onto a site. This review is intended to focus on Code compliance and mitigation of safety hazards as well as to insure near like-new or historically restored condition of building exterior. (Ord 858 section 1, 1991; Ord. 740 section 10.3.70[part], 1984; Ord. 1514, 2019)