A. While realizing only the county has jurisdiction on agricultural uses outside the city UGB, long-range planning dictates that the City of Canby and Clackamas County develop intergovernmental agreements to protect agricultural uses where city and county interests meet. The city is interested in protecting county agricultural uses from public or private nuisance or trespass, or support any complaint procedure, or give rise to a claim for relief in favor of, or to protect the interests of nonagricultural uses or any persons or property associated therewith, to the extent that the right, proceeding or claim would arise under an ordinance or the inherent authority of the city.
B. This section applies when:
1. The location of the purportedly affected nonagricultural use abuts county land;
2. Only if the agricultural use predated the purportedly affected nonagricultural use; and
3. Whether the agricultural use or nonagricultural use has undergone any change or interruption.