A. No agricultural use occurring within an urban growth boundary shall be declared to be a public or private nuisance or trespass, support any complaint procedure or give rise to a claim for relief in favor of or to protect the interests of nonagricultural uses or any persons or property associated therewith, to the extent that the right, proceeding or claim would arise under an ordinance of the inherent authority of the city.
B. This section applies:
1. Regardless of the location of the purportedly affected nonagricultural use;
2. Only if the agricultural use predated the purportedly affected nonagricultural use; and
3. Only if the agricultural use has not significantly increased in size or intensity after either the effective date of Ord. 956 or the date on which the applicable UGB is changed to include the subject agricultural use within its limits, whichever date is later. However, if the change is mandated by law, this section shall apply.
C. Approved nonagricultural uses that antedate and abut agricultural uses in the UGB would be responsible for adequate, 6-foot high cyclone fencing to prohibit trespass.