§ 5.16.040   Chief of Police’s duties.
   The city shall provide application forms and shall maintain a record of all applications. The Chief of Police shall coordinate and conduct an investigation of each application for the purpose of determining what recommendation shall be made by the Chief of Police to the Council or, in the case of special retail beer and special retail wine licenses, to the Commission. The investigation may include those subjects contained in the chapter of the city, as well as the statutes of the state. The Chief of Police may require the applicant to supply any relevant additional information to determine the qualifications of the applicant. Upon completion of the review and for all applications except special retail beer and special retail wine licenses, the Chief of Police shall make a recommendation to the City Council. For special retail beer and special retail wine licenses upon completion of review, the Chief of Police shall determine and advise the applicant and the Commission what the recommendation of the city shall be in accordance with the standards, criteria and procedures contained in this chapter.