§ 5.16.020   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   Application means the written request to the City Council to grant, modify or renew a liquor license.
   Commission means the Oregon Liquor Control Commission.
   Special Retail Beer Licenses (SRB) means a temporary dispenser license, issued by the Commission, pursuant to O.R.S. 471 and OAR 845-04-025(2) and (5), for the purposes of serving beer or other malt beverage in exchange for some financial consideration and as part of a picnic, convention, fair, civil or community enterprise or similar special event, such as a spectator sports event, musical concert or festival, and for which approval by the city must be obtained.
   Special Retail Wine License (SRW) means a temporary dispenser license, issued by the commission, pursuant to O.R.S. 471 and OAR 845-04-025(2) and (5), for the purpose of serving wine or similarly regulated fermented beverage in exchange for some financial consideration and as part of a picnic, convention, fair, civic or community event, musical concert or festival, and for which approval from the city must be obtained.