A. Before submitting a demand for compensation, the owner must schedule and attend a pre-filing conference with city staff to discuss the demand. The pre-filing conference shall follow procedures set forth by the city. No fee shall be charged for the conference.
B. The pre-filing conference is for the owner to provide a summary of the owner’s demand to the city, and for the city to provide information to the owner about regulations that may affect the demand. Any omission or failure by staff to recite to an owner all relevant applicable regulations will not constitute a waiver or admission by the city.
C. A pre-filing conference is valid for 6 months from the date it is held. If no demand is filed within 6 months of the conference, the city may require the owner to schedule and attend another conference before the city will accept a demand.
D. Following the conference, the city shall provide the owner with an estimate of the cost of processing the owner’s demand.
(Ord. 1165, passed 12-1-2004)