§ 3.40.130   Failure to file monthly statement.
   If any dealer or fuel-handler fails to file the report required by § 3.40.120, the city, shall proceed forthwith to determine from the best available sources the amount of motor vehicle fuel sold, distributed, used or stored by such dealer or fuel-handler for the period unreported, and such determination shall be prima facie evidence of the amount of such fuel sold, distributed, used or stored. The city, immediately shall assess the motor vehicle fuel tax in the amount so determined, as pertaining to the reportable dealer, adding thereto a penalty of 10% for failure to report. Fuel-handlers failing to file a monthly statement of motor vehicle fuel shall be assessed a penalty of $50. The penalty shall be cumulative to other penalties provided in this chapter. In any suit brought to enforce the rights of the city under this section, the above determination showing the amount of tax, penalties and costs unpaid by any dealer or fuel-handler and that the same are due and unpaid to the city is prima facie evidence of the facts as shown.
(Ord. 1261, passed 1-2-2008)