§ 4.20.150   Appeal procedure.
   A.   A person challenging the propriety of an expenditure of system development charge revenues may appeal the decision or the expenditure to the City Council by filing a written request with the City Administrator describing with particularity the decision of the City Administrator and the expenditure from which the person appeals. An appeal of an expenditure must be filed within 2 years of the date of the alleged improper expenditure.
   B.   After providing notice to the appellant, the Council shall determine whether the City Administrator’s decision or the expenditure is in accordance with this chapter and the provisions of O.R.S. 223.297 to 223.314 and may affirm, modify or overrule the decision. If the Council determines that there has been an improper expenditure of system development charge revenues, the Council shall direct that a sum equal to the misspent amount shall be deposited within 1 year to the credit of the account or fund from which it was spent.
   C.   A legal action challenging the methodology adopted by the Council pursuant to § 4.20.050 shall not be filed later than 60 days after the adoption.