(a) In order to facilitate the movement of traffic and to combat the hazards of excessive snow and ice on streets or portions of streets named in subsection (d) hereof, the Mayor, in his discretion, may declare an emergency due to such hazards.
(b) After such emergency has been declared, it shall be unlawful during the period of the emergency for any person to park or cause or permit to remain parked, his automobile on those streets or portions thereof, named in subsection (d) hereof.
(c) Any motor vehicle found parked on those streets or portions thereof, named in subsection (d) hereof during the time of such emergency shall be removed at the order of the Mayor and shall subject the owner or operator to the fines provided herein.
(d) The streets or portions thereof where parking is prohibited after an emergency has been declared are the following:
(1) Elm Street, from W. Waterloo north to Oak.
(2) Mound Street, from Elm to Trime.
(Ord. 47-79. Passed 11-19-79.)
(3) Trime Street, from East Waterloo to Mound Street.
(Ord. 48-94. Passed 3-21-94.)
(4) Such other streets, or portions thereof, as may be determined by the Mayor
(e) In order to assist the motorist in determining the streets affected by this section, the Mayor is hereby directed to cause to be placed certain signs notifying motorists of the emergency parking regulation, and, if necessary, to place yellow bands around utility poles on the streets or portions thereof designated in subsection (d) hereof. The Mayor may also notify citizens by such means or media available and disseminate information as to the existence of such an emergency in whatever way he may deem necessary.
(f) After the U.S. Weather Bureau records indicate that two inches of snow have fallen and there is a prospect of further snowfall, the Chief of Police shall order the removal of all vehicles parked on the streets or portions thereof designated herein, which have not been removed by the owners or operators. Such vehicles shall be removed to a motor vehicle pound as designated by the traffic code. Records shall be kept by the Police Department, of all vehicles removed.
(g) That the owner or operator of any vehicle found parked on any streets or portions thereof, named in subsection (d) hereof during such an emergency, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifteen dollars ($15.00) nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00), or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
(Ord. 47-79. Passed 11-19-79.)