Temporary signs shall be permitted subject to the following requirements along with other applicable requirements of this Zoning Code. Sign Permits for signs shall be valid as indicated in this section.
   (a)    Banner Signs. Signs that contain text or graphics imprinted on a flexible surface that deforms under light pressure shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A banner sign shall have a total display area not to exceed forty ( 40) square feet.
      (2)    A Sign Permit issued for a banner sign shall expire thirty (30) days after issuance of said Sign Permit. No more than two (2) Sign Permits for a banner sign shall be issued for any one (1) business establishment in a calendar year.
      (3)    No more than one (1) banner sign shall be displayed for any one (1) business establishment.
      (4)    All banner signs shall be safely secured to the primary structure on the property or secured to the ground no less than ten (10) feet from any property line or the right-of-way.
   (b)    Portable Freestanding Signs. Signs which contain text or graphics imprinted on a fixed surface that are not affixed to a structure or permanently embedded in ground and are located on a property conducting a permitted or conditional non-residential use shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A portable freestanding sign shall have a total display area not exceeding nine (9) square feet and shall be no more than three (3) feet in height.
      (2)   A Sign Permit issued for a portable freestanding sign shall expire fourteen (14) days after issuance of said Sign Permit.
      (3)    No more than two (2) Sign Permits for a portable freestanding sign shall be issued for any one (1) business establishment in a calendar year.
      (4)    All portable freestanding signs shall be safely secured to the ground and shall be located no less than ten (10) feet from any property line or the right-of-way.
   (c)    Special Event Signs. Special event signs shall be defined as signs which are used to present knowledge regarding some special event of community importance. Such signs shall be considered as temporary signs, must be authorized by the Planning and Zoning Department before erection, and subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   No more than two (2) such special event signs shall be placed on a single property and no more than four (4) total special event signs shall be placed in any location regarding the special event.
      (2)    Special event signs shall have a total display area no more than forty (40) square feet and shall be no more than three (3) feet in height.
      (3)    Special event signs shall not be illuminated.
      (4)    Special event signs shall not be displayed for a period more than fourteen (14) days before the special event and shall be removed within forty-eight (48) hours after the event.
   (d)    Residential Development Real Estate Signs. Signs advertising the sale of undeveloped planed lots in a subdivision or units in a multi-family development, which have not been initially occupied, shall be permitted subject to the following requirements:
      (1)   A single residential development shall have no more than two (2) total residential development real estate signs. No more than one (1) residential development real estate sign shall be permitted fronting on a street within, or adjacent to, the subject residential development.
      (2)    A residential development real estate sign shall have a total display area not exceeding forty (40) square feet and a display area of any one (1) surface shall not exceed twenty (20) square feet.
      (3)    A residential development real estate sign shall have a height not exceeding six (6) feet and shall be located not closer than ten (10) feet from any property line or the public right-of-way.
      (4)    The approved Sign Permit for a residential development real estate sign shall expire after eighty (80) percent of the platted lots of a residential subdivision, or units in a multifamily development, are initially occupied. After such sign permit expires, the subject residential development real estate sign shall be removed. (Ord. 17-015. Passed 5-1-17.)