The inspection criteria to be utilized by the Director of Public Service, Director of Construction Services or designated representative for the shall include inspection of any condition deemed by such official to be potentially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and shall include, at a minimum, the examination of the following which, if such condition exists, shall necessitate repair or replacement:
(a) Any block or section having cracks or joints 1' or wider.
(b) Adjoining blocks or portions thereof whose edges differ vertically 1" or more.
(c) Block or sections that have excessive cracks, creating pieces smaller than two feet.
(d) Block or sections having a cross slope greater than 1" per foot.
(e) Block or sections having surface deterioration greater than 3/8" deep over 25% or more of the surface area.
(f) Blocks or sections that do not match the existing grade and cause the ponding of water.
(g) Sidewalk material placed without prior approval of the City unless the Director of Public Service, Director of Construction Services or designated representative determines such repair or replacement to be in satisfactory condition and in accordance with the standards and specifications for such repairs or replacements adopted by the City.
(h) Stumps, stones, private sign posts or any other unauthorized obstruction in the sidewalk space.
(i) Trees, bushes or shrubs that overhang the sidewalk. Trees, bushes or shrubs located on private property will be trimmed to at least eight feet above the sidewalk, with bushes and shrubs trimmed so as to not overhang the sidewalk even after a rain.
(j) Water valve boxes, gas valve boxes, or manholes, etc. that are not to proper grade. The recommendation of the Director of Public Works or Director of Construction Services or designated representative that any block or section be condemned to safeguard public health, safety, and welfare.
(Ord. 22-048. Passed 11-7-22.)