Except as otherwise provided, any person violating the rules and regulations promulgated in connection with this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be classified as provided in Section 303.99.
(a) The owner of a vehicle shall be entitled to establish nonliability for prosecution for violation of an ordinance, resolution or regulation enacted under Section 305.01(a) by proving the vehicle was in the care, custody or control of a person other than the owner at the time of the violation pursuant to a written lease agreement providing that except for such agreement, no other business relationship with respect to the vehicle in question exists between the operator and owner.
(b) Proof that the vehicle was in the care, custody or control of a person other than the owner shall be established by sending a copy of such written lease agreement to the prosecuting authority within thirty days from the date of receipt by the owner of the notice of violation. The furnishing of a copy of a written lease agreement shall be prima-facie evidence that a vehicle was in the care, custody or control of a person other than the owner.
(ORC 4511.071)
(a) There is hereby created within the Village certain areas for “Target Enforcement Areas - Radar in Use” within the Village limits to maintain traffic control and speed enforcement.
(b) Zones to establish such speed control shall be changed periodically depending on need for enforcement.
(c) All violations will receive either an official written warning or citation.
(Ord. 100-97. Passed 8-4-97.)