1115.03 STREETS.
   (a)    Design and Construction. Streets shall be designed and constructed so as to meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Right-of-way and pavement widths shall be drawn in accordance with the following table. Pavement widths shall be measured face of curb to face of curb. Turnarounds on cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum 100' diameter right-of-way. There shall be no center islands in the turn around of a cul-de-sac.
Street Type
Minimum Right-of-Way
Minimum Pavement Width
Arterial w/ median   
R = 38 ft.
      (2)   The typical sections contained in the Standard Drawings for Canal Winchester shall be utilized.
      (3)   Minimum pavement composition shall be determined by existing soil conditions and an AASHTO pavement design. All new pavement design shall include an aggregate base having a minimum thickness of six (6) inches. The design engineer shall also consider future construction traffic. For new and reconstruction of streets and roads within the corporation limits of Canal Winchester, Ohio with ADT's less than 400, the current "AASHTO Guidelines For Geometric Design of Very Low Volume Local Roads" shall govern.
      (4)   The minimum radius at intersections measured at the face of curb shall be 20 feet for cul-de-sacs and local streets, 35 feet for collector streets, and 50 feet for arterial intersections.
      (5)   Horizontal and vertical alignment shall meet the following minimum standards:
Major Collector
Minor Collector
Cul-de-sac or Local
Centerline Radius
1,050 ft.
650 ft.
400 ft.
250 ft.
Minimum Gradient
Maximum Gradient
Minimum Street Intersection Angle
      (6)   Clear sight distance (length along each approach leg) shall follow ODOT's Location and Design Manual, Table 201-5 E Vol. 1.
      (7)   Intersection centerline offsets shall meet the following minimum requirements:
            Local/local          150 feet
            Local/collector       200 feet
            Local/arterial          300 feet
            Collector/collector       300 feet
            Collector/arterial       1,320 feet
            Cul-de-sac/cul-de-sac         150 feet
            Cul-de-sac/local       150 feet
            Cul-de-sac/collector       200 feet
            Cul-de-sac/arterial      not permitted
      (8)   Vertical curves shall be provided at any change of vertical grade where the algebraic difference on grades is one (1) percent or greater, unless otherwise directed by the Municipal Engineer. Sight distance shall be measured as the line of sight from a height of 3.75 feet to 0.5 feet above the pavement. The length of vertical curve shall meet the length as set by the ODOT requirement for crest and vertical segment. The ODOT Location and Design Manual Vol. 1, latest edition, or the AASHTO guidelines for low volume roads shall govern.
      (9)   The maximum profile grade approach to intersections shall be two (2) percent.
      (10)   Sidewalks shall be installed inside the right-of-way along all streets, constructed of portland cement concrete and located one (1) foot off the right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Technical Review Group. Sidewalks shall be a minimum width and thickness as indicated below. At driveways and other points of vehicle crossing, the thickness shall be six inches. Sidewalks shall extend to the curbs at all intersections and include wheelchair ramps compliant with current ADA requirements. ADA detectible warning devices on ramps shall be "brick red."
Type of Street
Sidewalk Width
Sidewalk Thickness
4 feet
4 inches
4 feet
4 inches
4 feet
4 inches
8 feet*
4 inches
*Or may be a leisure path, may be asphalt or concrete.
      (11)   Driveway aprons, six (6) inches thick minimum for residential and eight (8) inches thick minimum for non-residential, shall be provided from the sidewalk to the curb at all driveway locations in accordance with the Municipal standard drawing. The maximum grade of a driveway apron shall not exceed ten (10) percent.
   (b)   Street Layout. The arrangement, character, extent, width, and location of all streets shall conform to the master street plan of Canal Winchester and to the following:
      (1)   Streets shall be so arranged as to provide for the continuation of existing streets.
      (2)   Connections shall be provided to adjoining properties for future access.
      (3)   Local residential streets shall be laid out so as to discourage through traffic while providing for interconnection of neighborhoods, reasonable safety, and access by emergency vehicle services.
      (4)   Cul-de-sacs shall be provided with a bulb type turnaround.
      (5)   Permanent cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet except where a variance to this requirement is specifically granted by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Temporary cul-de-sacs may exceed 600 feet where they are part of an overall street network.
      (6)   The following regulations shall govern the design and layout of blocks:
         A.   Irregularly shaped blocks, those intended for cul-de-sacs or loop streets, and those containing interior parks or playgrounds, will be evaluated by the Planning and Commission and may be approved by the Planning and Commission if properly designed and located, and if the maintenance of interior public spaces is covered by notation on the plat.
         B.   No block shall be longer than 1,500 feet and the block width shall accommodate two tiers of lots, except where unusual topography or other exceptional physical circumstances exist.
         C.   Where blocks are over 900 feet in length, a crosswalk easement no less than ten feet in width at or near the halfway point may be required to provide proper access to schools, recreational areas, shopping centers, and other facilities.
      (7)   Street names shall be approved by the Planning and Zoning Administrator and shall not duplicate or be similar to names of existing streets within the municipality or its postal zip code area.
   (c)   Lots should be designed so as to accomplish the following:
      (1)   Each lot shall have frontage on a public or private street as specified in the Zoning Code, or zoning text as may be applicable.
      (2)   The depth and width of commercial and industrial lots shall be adequate to provide for the required off-street loading and parking spaces.
      (3)   Corner lots shall have extra width to permit appropriate building set back from and orientation to both streets.
      (4)   Double frontage, reverse frontage and irregularly shaped lots shall be avoided.
      (5)   Lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
      (6)   No lot shall have an average depth that is more than three and one-half times its average width unless otherwise allowed by the Planning and Commission.
      (7)   Pipe roof drain: roof drains shall either be to the street pavement via. two (2) cored-holes per lot, or tied directly to the curb under drain as determined by the Technical Review Group.